Q. Can I place an order for a specific product?
A. Our products cannot pre-ordered; however, we will inform our patrons who have subscribed to our distribution list when more products are available.
Q. When is my order shipped?
A. Most items ship within two business days of purchase.
Q. What shipping carriers do you use?
A. We use UPS and USPS for shipping.
Q. How can I track my order?
A. After your order is shipped, you will be notified with the tracking number.
Q. Where do you ship?
A. We only ship to the United States at this time.
Q. How long will it take to get my order?
A. Order timing may vary based on shipping carrier.
Q. What are the shipping rates?
A. Free shipping is available for all of our products.
Q. What if my product arrives damaged?
A. Please email us with pictures of the damage so that we can make the carrier aware. We will offer a full refund of the damaged item.